Honda Lease Trade-In & Return Center

Honda Lease Trade-In & Return Center

What Are Your Options as Your Lease Reaches Expiration?

It's a great idea to begin thinking about your options well in advance of the expiration of your lease - especially if you have a year or less. Our professionals here at Honda Marysville can help explain the various options and which one would be best for your situation.

Here are the options to choose from:

1) Return your leased vehicle and buy or lease a new vehicle

This option is convenient and best of all you get to drive off in a brand new vehicle.

What you will need when you return your leased vehicle:

  • All keys to leased vehicle
  • Owner's manual
  • Maintenance records
  • Vehicle Return Receipt and Odometer Disclosure Statement
  • Vehicle Inspection Report
  • Receipts for completed repairs, if any

To submit a request to be contacted about your lease, click here.

2) "Trade-In" your leased vehicle early - prior to the end of the lease term

Leased vehicles hold their value very well. If you have taken good care of your vehicle, you could be in an equity position relative to the residual you owe the lessor. If so, let us purchase your leased vehicle for the residual value and apply the equity toward the lease or purchase of a new vehicle. This equity coupled with our $250 return incentive and current lease and purchase offers means you could get into a new vehicle with a lower payment!

Call us today at (888) 639-8830 to see if your vehicle might qualify for an early "Trade-In". To estimate the value of your vehicle today, click here.

To submit a request to be contacted about your lease, click here.

3) Return your leased vehicle to us even if you did not lease it from us

Your lease will conclude at the end of the term when you turn it into us. You will need to schedule a free vehicle inspection during the last two months of your lease. Having an inspection completed in advance of returning your vehicle gives you time to make any needed repairs. You will be responsible for any outstanding payments, excess wear and use, excess mileage, and any other end-of-term obligations specified in your lease agreement. We will make it simple for you - just contact us or visit our Marysville, OH Honda dealership and we can take care of arranging the inspection and any necessary paperwork.

What you will need when you return your leased vehicle:

  • All keys to leased vehicle
  • Owner's manual
  • Maintenance records
  • Vehicle Return Receipt and Odometer Disclosure Statement
  • Vehicle Inspection Report
  • Receipts for completed repairs, if any

To submit a request to be contacted about your lease, click here.

4) Purchase your leased vehicle

Let's face it - you probably love your leased vehicle. Buying your vehicle is a fantastic way to continue to benefit from its reliability and high resale value. If you decide to buy your vehicle, there is no need to have it inspected since there are no charges to worry about. We offer low financing rates and extended protection plans to lessees who wish to purchase a leased vehicle.

Contact Honda Marysville if you would like to discuss this option and we would be happy to process the paperwork on your behalf.

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